The TOY DRIVE is December 3rd, 2022
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BURDI, Checked it out foundation, and MPC invite you to join us for our third annual "Toy Drive, Drive". The Toy Drive happens in two locations: Midwest Performance Cars in Fulton Market and Burdi Clothing, Hinsdale. You can partake in the festivities at either location or join the group drive from MPC to Burdi Clothing. The drive is open to all makes and models.
Please bring new, unwrapped toys, no plush toys are accepted.
Get ready for the 3rd annual Toy Drive Drive
Drive your favorite toy and bring a toy for the children. Come for the fun, come for the cars, come and share the joys of the season.
- 8:00 am Coffee and donuts at Midwest Performance Cars, 2105 West Fulton Street 60612
- 9:00 am Checkeditout presents the check to the 2022 charity: Crushers Club .
- 10:00 am The Caravan gathers to leave for Burdi Clothing, Hinsdale. Route made available at the event, created by Dan Cubric. Register for the group drive here
- 11:00 am Arrival Burdi Clothing 24 West Hinsdale Ave, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 Reserve your spot here